In the project page:

  1. Under Sessions section click on ➕ to add a new session launcher

  2. Choose Global environment (if it’s not already selected)


  3. Select an environment from the list.

    <aside> 💡

    Don’t see the environment you need? You can use your own! See How to use your own docker image for a session launcher


  4. Click Next

  5. (optional) Give your session launcher a Name.

  6. Select the Resource class that best fits your expected computational needs.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/rocket_green.svg" alt="/icons/rocket_green.svg" width="40px" />

    If the available resource classes are too small for your compute requirements, see How to select compute resources for your session and Contact us!


  7. Click on Add session launcher

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" />

If you need to add dependencies to the environment, see How to install packages in your session


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" />

Note that you can always modify your session launcher by clicking on it on the project’s page, to open the session launcher side panel:

