See also: Public sessions for sharing demonstrators (Apps/Dashboards)

🤔 Problem

When people ask about “Apps” on renku, they often refer to that they want to apps to run indefinitely and have fast access (i.e. be running when the viewer goes to access. However, I don’t think any service out there that provides this sort of thing has apps running forever; think huggingface or shiny server - they are always spun up on-demand, kept for a while, and torn down. It's helpful to decouple the "how to access" and the "how long it lives". This pitch focuses only on the “how long it lives” question (for “how to access”, see Public sessions for sharing demonstrators (Apps/Dashboards) ).

This pitch assumes that Public sessions for sharing demonstrators (Apps/Dashboards) is done.

This pitch also assumes that we have set up a resource class for demonstrators with a long culling time (like 30 days).

Now, the remaining problem is what to do when someone goes to view the demonstrator after the 30 days.

🍴 Appetite

🎯 Solution

🚞 User stories / journeys


Then, when a viewer accesses the session share link after the public session has expired (based on the resource class’s culling time)

the public session is automatically kicked off again with a fresh (long) culling time,

the user has to wait for the app to launch,

and then they can see the app.